What to look forward to in 2009

Now that 2008 is over and 2009 is kickin in I thought I would go over a few things to look forward to in this upcoming year (in no particular order).

1) The possible end of the current economic recession.

2) My room/garage conversion done. (finally, I know!)

3) A whole new season of 24!

4) Guitar Hero - Metallica!!

5) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

6) Seeing Amberly crawl and possibly take her first steps

That is a pretty good list and it really pumps me up for this next year. Everyone has things that they can look forward to, even if some of them are superficial and dumb.

And for the record, Transformers are not dumb. Those that think Transformers are dumb will get an order of Tom's fresh knuckle sandwich with a side order of butt whoopin.


kris said...

A few of those things I am also looking forward to0. But on my list is: Watching my hubby's face as he watches Transformers, this is the year my kids will get out of bed for school and get ready on time, Try to grow my hair longer (thats a good one maybe to my sholders and keep it their for a while. Getting a second bathroom! Yeah pretty fun next year!

Breakdown said...

I'll just be hoping BYU burns to the ground. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Hey BYU! Ever hear of a chemical called salt? Works great on ice. Or do you just like people slipping on your sidewalks?

Brylee Perry said...

Yea!!!! yea!!!! Transformers 2!!!!!
I personaly hope that Ar-c is better than Jazz was, and hopefully isn't killed 5 minutes before the movie is over