Brylee the Tennis Champ

This is the second summer that my daughter Brylee has been in a Tennis League. Last year was her first year and she did struggle, but this year she has made some big improvements in her game. I was able to go out with her a few times and practice with her which turned out to be really fun!

Well she just recently had her Tennis Tournament, where her team had to play in a playoff against a bunch of other teams in the region. She was given a seed (number for her skill) so that she was set against other players around her skill level.

These girls had to play from 9am-1pm in the heat of the day and that made for a long day of tennis. She did loose most of her matches, but towards the end she was set to play her last match of the day. In her last match she was playing for 3rd or 4th place in her skill level. The girl she played against was older than Brylee, but her skill level was very comparable to Brylee's.

So from the start it went: 1-0, 1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 3-2 and so on. It was very close and very intense! I was literally jumping out of my seat at times and it took a lot for me to not start screaming and cheering when she got a point. In the end though, she lost a very close match, so she earned 4th place. Although she lost a very close match, she still got a trophy for 4th place which was awesome!

I was happy for her! She did lose, but she played so hard and kept it close. I am very proud of her and just glad I was there to see it. Nice job Brylee!


Brylee Perry said...

thanks dad you are so nice!!!!!

Brylee Perry said...

heeeeeey what about me?

-mason!!!! :( :'(:(