Do I cancel my Facebook?

I have to vent for a minute...I hate Facebook. Most of my really good friends don't have a facebook page and all of them have laughed out loud when I told them that I had one. I rarely even check the stupid page and when I do I have an enormous list of friend requests, or racing a car, or accepting a hug, or being nominated for one thing or another, it is very irritating.

I'm not bashing any of you that enjoy facebook and spend a lot of time there. More power to you, if it helps you stay connected with friends & family I say do it. But for me it does nothing but annoy me.

I enjoy blogging though, so maybe I'm a hypocrite of sorts. Facebook is not the same as blogging, but they are like 1st cousins.

I have been contemplating dropping my facebook because I think it is crap. I have tried to search out some long lost buddies and none of them are on facebook. But some of my ex-girlfriends maybe I should hook up with them online? Nah.

It seems like most people on either myspace or facebook become competitive of how many friends they can have. Some have over 1,000 friends?!? Really? You know over 1,000 people personally? Maybe you have read "How to win friends & influence people" and applied it beyond all expectations, or you are a liar and a loser. One or the other, take your pick.

1 comment:

Emily ~ Lizzy said...

Haha Sorry I just had to laugh when I read this..... haha Good times. Yea facebook is a love hate relationship.....