My review of "24 - Redemption"

I did watch the 2 hour premiere of 24-Redemption and of course I enjoyed it! But to be fair I will break it down into likes & dislikes about the prequel to Season 7. (Warning: may contain spoilers)

1) Jack Bauer showed he has a heart by giving up everything and serving a third world school.
2) I enjoyed seeing Jack make emotional connections with the boys. (As a 24 enthusiast, sometimes I begin to wonder if Jack Bauer is simply a robot with no emotions at all.)
3) I liked that the storyline wasn't the usual 'save the world in 24 hours' type of storyline.
4) At the end, Jack again did what was necessary and once again sacrificed himself to the better cause. What a stud!

1) It didn't give much of a review of back story, not that I need one, but for those who are tuning into 24 for the first time that would have been kinda nice.
2) I hated the fact that his friend, the guy who started the school and provided a hiding place for Jack, had to die. But that wasn't unexpected, this is 24 after all.
3) I did like seeing scenes that were leading up to something big involving a corrupt politician.
4) Kinda nice to see a female president, but even better than is it looks like shes isn't a corrupt president, I don't think I could handle that again.

Overall I would give 'Redemption' 3 out of 4 stars.

But I admit when I watched the long preview for the upcoming season I got really excited! Jack goes on trial for torturing a suspect to get information. And it looks like there will be no more CTU. But it looks like Cloe is back. And best of all Tony Almeda is making a return, but this time as the villain! How freakin awesome is that!

Here is the 2 min trailer:

Here are some additional articles for the rabid 24 enthusiast:


Breakdown said...

Why do I feel an overwhelming desire to run out to watch all the seasons I've missed before this one comes out?

Shop Steward said...

DO IT!!! Jack can only save the world if you watch him do it on TV.